Only a Miserable Douchebag Like Ozzie Guillen Could Hate An Awesome Human Being Like Nick Swisher

There are several things I won't tolerate on this Earth and one of those things is Nick Swisher slander. You will never meet a more positive, upbeat, happy to be alive human being than Nick Swisher. 

I normally don't care for one word out of Ozzie Guillen's mouth and the White Sox allowing that scumbag on their postgame show further proves what a trash organization they have over there. Ozzie Guillen is the same guy who sabotaged the Marlins organization when he said he "loved Fidel Castro." The Marlins attendance immediately plummeted after he said that and has stayed that way ever since. And this is the guy who has the balls to call out Nick Swisher, a guy he admits he's never had a conversation with? You were his manager dude, I think that probably is an indictment on you more than him right there. When I first wrote the blog I assumed Ozzie wasn't his manager based on the way he talked about him. How did they never talk? Ozzie sucks so much. 

So why does this clown think this despite never talking to him Swisher in person? He probably couldn't stand his happy go lucky attitude that clashed with his miserable way of managing. Shocking the garbage White Sox didn't embrace a winning player like Nick. You have to let Nick be Nick and the White Sox didn't allow that. After his one season there he was traded to the Yankees where his career would be revived. He won a World Series, made an All-Star team, and met the love of his life JoAnna Garcia. Leaving the White Sox was the best thing that's ever happened to the guy. More people should follow his lead. To me Ozzie just comes off as super jealous here, which I guess I can't blame him since Swisher is currently  living his best life. 

We had Swish on the podcast this year where he talked about leaving Chicago for the Yankees and how much he appreciated Cashman for getting him out of there. It's impossible to listen to that episode and come away thinking he's not the fucking man. Dude is the best and if you have a problem with him you have a dump in your pants. 

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